Active Messages: A Mechanism for Integrated Communication and Computation

T. von Eicken, D.E. Culler, S.C. Goldstein, and K.E. Schauser. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. May 1992, pp. 256-266.

The Problem: Communication latency is high, and there is not enough overlap between communication and computation.

The Solution: Embed the address of the receiving message handler in the message itself. The handler immediately handles the message, integrating it into the computation (think matrix row GET responses) or responds right away (a matrix row GET handler). This is efficient on ordinary hardware

The details:

A question: for large messages, still need to allocate memory. Is there time after the first (size-indicating) message to do so (before the rest comes in)? You can't let those messages queue up.

Umesh Shankar
Last modified: Tue Jul 3 17:18:20 PDT 2001